Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to Dry Nails Fast Using Science

Step by step instructions to Dry Nails Fast Using Science The web is brimming with tips that evidently dry your nails quicker, however which ones really work? Heres a glance at probably the most well-known thoughts and whether they will speed your drying time. Diving Wet Nails into Ice Water This doesnt work! In the event that it did, dont you thoroughly consider each nail tech there would do it? Consider it... nail clean is a polymer, shaped by a synthetic response. Bringing down the temperature brings down the pace of the compound response, in addition to it eases back the dissipation of the solvents in the clean. Indeed, the cold water may thicken the clean so it appears to dry all the more rapidly, yet the best way to get a hard layer of clean is to allow it to dry. The virus water wont hurt anything, yet it wont speed things upâ unless you dry your hands under an air dryer a short time later. On the off chance that you think this works, consider how much time you go through with your hands in ice water and look at it against typical drying. Or then again, direct your own science test and put one turn in the ice water and leave one to dry all alone. Placing Hands in the Freezer This isn't the most affordable technique, yet its improbable to hurt something besides your electric bill. The virus can thicken the clean while the flowing air dissipates the dissolvable. Utilizing a Blow Dryer or Fan This speeds the arrangement of the film previous (generally nitrocellulose). Simply be certain you dont utilize so much power that you blow swells into your clean (except if that is the ideal impact). Apply a Quick-Dry Product These contain solvents that dissipate rapidly, pulling the fluid in the clean alongside them. Apply Cooking Spray Regardless of whether this works relies upon the item. On the off chance that you just pressurize oil, youre not going to see a lot of an impact beside saturated hands. Then again (hah), if the shower contains a force, it will vanish rapidly, acting like a fast dry item. Splash Nails with Canned Air Once more, this works a lot of like a fast dry item. Canned air is somewhat costly, so you should blow console chow out of your PC and pick a cheap fast drying top coat. What works and what doesnt? Snappy drying shine is compelling, in addition to it is important whats in the item.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Regla de presencia de infantes para solicitar pasaporte

Regla de presencia de infantes para solicitar pasaporte Si usted es el padre o la madre de un infante que es menor de edad y es ciudadano americano, puede que tenga dudas sobre si es necesario llevarlo a la oficina donde se solicita el pasaporte, particularmente cuando se trata de un bebã © o tiene muy pocos aã ±os. En este artã ­culo se resolver esa duda claramente y tambiã ©n se brindar informaciã ³n esencial sobre los pasaportes americanos de los niã ±os. Regla sobre presencia de los niã ±os para solicitar el pasaporte americano Cuando se solicita por primera vez o la renovaciã ³n un pasaporte para un estadounidense menor de 16 aã ±os, el niã ±o debe estar presente siempre, incluso aunque ocean un reciã ©n nacido. No roughage excepciones an esta regla. Por el contrario, si ya ha cumplido los 16 y se trata de una renovaciã ³n, se puede hacer todo el trmite por correo, sin necesidad de presentarse en ninguna oficina. Sin ban, si se trata de una solicitud por primera vez, sã ­ que deber acudir en persona. Si se est en Estados Unidos, roughage que llevar al niã ±o a la Oficina de Recepciã ³n de Solicitudes de Pasaportes o en la Agencia de Pasaportes. Si se est en otro paã ­s, deber cerrarse una cita y presentarse en la Embajada History of the U.S o consulado que corresponda al lugar donde se encuentra en ese momento el solicitante.  ¿Deben el padre y la madre estar los dos presentes cuando se solicita el pasaporte para un niã ±o? La respuesta es sã ­, si bien se admitenâ tres excepciones a la presencia conjunta del pap y de la mamâ cuando no es posible. El objetivo de todas estas reglas es evitar que nadie pueda sacar an un niã ±o americano de su lugar de residencia habitualâ sin el consentimiento de los dos padres. Esto aplica incluso cuando un forebear se enfada con el otro y se quiere llevar al menor an otro paã ­s. Si se cree que el hijo corre este riesgo, esto es lo que se puede hacer para evitar lo que se llama unâ secuestro internacional de niã ±os. Quã © documentos child necesarios para solicitar el pasaporte americano para un niã ±o Adems de llenar la planilla de solicitud y aportar fotos tipo pasaporte, el documento ms importante es el que acredita la nacionalidad estadounidense. Si el niã ±o ha nacido en los Estados Unidos roughage que presentar copia del certificado de nacimiento.â Si ha nacido en el extranjero pero adquiriã ³ la nacionalidad por uno de los padres o la adquiriã ³ posteriormente la ley seã ±ala cules child los documentos child vlidos para acreditar la ciudadanã ­a estadounidense. Por cunto tiempo es vlido el pasaporte de un niã ±o Los pasaportes de los niã ±os expiran a los cinco aã ±os de haber sido expedidos.â  ¿Es siempre necesario el pasaporte para viajar internacionalmente? El pasaporte es siempre el mejor documento, pero se admiten excepciones, como una tarjeta de pasaporte. Adems, en el caso se niã ±os pequeã ±os que child ciudadanos caben otras posibilidades paraâ ingresar a los Estados Unidos por tierra procedente de Canad o Mã ©xico. El pasaporte no llega,  ¿quã © hacer? Si se solicitã ³ el pasaporte y no se recibe, puede que se trate de una demora normal. Si se desea acelar el trmite se tiene la opciã ³n de pagar para que se realice con carcter urgente. Pero tambiã ©n es posible que se extraviara en el correo. Si sospecha que eso es lo que ha ocurrido entonces se debe solicitar la anulaciã ³n de ese pasaporte y pedir otro sin ningã ºn costo aã ±adido. De interã ©s: doble nacionalidad, conservar ciudadanã ­a y derechos padres Es comã ºn que niã ±os estadounidenses residan en otro paã ­s. Estas child las reglas sobre la conservaciã ³n de la nacionalidad y sobre la obligaciã ³n de inscribirse al Servicio Selectivo en el caso de los varones. Adems, tener en cuenta que un niã ±o estadounidense puede tener el pasaporte de otro paã ­s, por ejemplo, el de los padres, ya que Estados Unidos aplica unas leyes liberales en asuntos de doble nacionalidad. Por otra parte, tambiã ©n es frecuente que un infante estadounidense tenga paps que tienen otra nacionalidad. Estos child los derechos de los padres de los niã ±os ciudadanos. Es muy importante entender quã © derechos se pudieran derivar de esa situaciã ³n, cul es el requisito de edad de los hijos y cundo, a pesar de tener hijos ciudadanos, no se puede sacar ningã ºn derecho. Y es que en este punto roughage mucha informaciã ³n equivocada. Consejo y curiosidad Ya que este artã ­culo trata de pasaporte para niã ±os viene al caso recomendar esta informaciã ³n sobre cã ³mo entender fcilmente el sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos. Roughage varias opciones para que los infantes estudien y todos ellos merecen las mejores oportunidades. Por à ºltimo, una curiosidad. Y es que los latinos somos la minorã ­a ms grande en Estados Unidos, lo cual se refleja en el censo. Dos apellidos hispanos estn entre los 10 ms comunes del paã ­s y 19 en el top 100,â â ¿sientes curiosidad por saber si est el tuyo? Este artã ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful para ningã ºn caso concreto.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Fight or Flight Theory of Panic Disorder

Fight or Flight Theory of Panic Disorder Panic Disorder Symptoms Print Fight or Flight Theory of Panic Disorder By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on November 09, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on November 09, 2019  Ayse Mardinly / EyeEm / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Purpose Fight or Flight Response When the Response Is Triggered How Fear Is Reinforced Treatment View All Back To Top The  fight or flight response is a physiological response to a stimulus which our bodies consider dangerous or life-threatening. This responseâ€"also called the acute stress responseâ€"is familiar to most people as the intense feeling of anxiety, shaking, and fear that can occur when our bodies prepare for a possible emergency. First described in the 1920s, the fight or flight response is the first part of the involuntary general adaptation syndrome, In the fight or flight response, stimuli result in stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. The  sympathetic nervous system then sends a message to the adrenal glands which result in the release of the stress hormones,  epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and cortisol, among others. These hormones, in turn, lead to the symptoms associated with the response.?? The counterpart to the flight or flight response is the relaxation response in which the body goes back to normal. The recovery period between a fight or flight response and normalization of body functions is variable but often occurs between 20 and 60 minutes following stimulation if the perceived threat disappears. Purpose The fight-or-flight response is a stress reaction that likely evolved out of the survival needs of our early ancestors living with the daily dangers of the time. To demonstrate, imagine you’re a prehistoric cave dweller relaxing one evening and enjoying the daily catch. Suddenly, a large and hungry saber-toothed tiger appears on your doorstep. To him, you look like a tasty morsel on the food chain. But, human design kicks in with a surge of strength and energy, increasing your chances of surviving this encounter. Fight or Flight Response With Panic Disorder Some theorists believe that this old stress reaction is seen in the common fears associated with modern day panic disorder, specifically, in the fear of large open spaces or being in situations without an easy escape route. In the dangerous world of our ancestors, crossing a large open field leaves one vulnerable to attack. The same can be said for being cornered without any means of escape.?? What Happens When the Response Is Triggered Researchers have identified numerous physiological changes that occur during the flight-or-flight stress response. As noted above, these changes are believed to be triggered by the sympathetic nervous system through the release of stress hormones into the bloodstream.?? This release causes immediate physical reactions in preparation of the muscular activity needed to fight or flee the threat. Some of the changes during this process include: Increased heart rateRapid breathingConstriction of blood vessels to some parts of the body and dilation of blood vessels to the muscles (increased blood flow to tissues necessary for escaping, such as skeletal muscles and decreased blood flow to tissues not necessary for escaping, such as the smooth muscles  associated with digestion)Dilation of pupilsAuditory exclusion (hearing loss)Tunnel vision (loss of peripheral vision in order to fully focus on the danger at hand)Sweating (to cool your body in response to the heat generated as your body gets ready to contend with a predator) These physical changes occur rapidly and automatically. If one were experiencing a life-threatening event, they would be expected. But, when they occur while picking up a few groceries for dinner or sitting in a meeting at work, they can be quite frightening. Since much of the stress in our current day society is psychosocial stress, this prehistoric response which once was necessary for survival could even be detrimental. How Fear Is Reinforced When There Is No Danger During a panic attack, the body’s alarm system is triggered without the presence of any danger. It is the absence of identifiable danger that actually intensifies the fear associated with panic attacks. If there is an identifiable danger, we understand the symptoms. We can then fear the danger, not the symptoms. However, if there is no danger and someone experiences sweating and changes in heart rate, breathing, vision, and hearing, it would seem logical to fear the symptoms, even believing they are life-threatening. Physically, your body is telling you to get ready, you are in grave danger. But how do you prepare psychologically for certain danger that is unseen? It may be that you assign the symptoms mistaken meaning.  It may be that you immediately flee the situation as if it were dangerous. But, these thoughts and actions don’t get you out of danger. They only reinforce and strengthen the association of a fear that is not based on an actual threat. Treatment Since the fight or flight response underlies many of the symptoms common with panic disorder, researchers have investigated ways of taming this response. Since the flight or flight response isnt under conscious control, but rather an involuntary reaction it doesnt work to just say Im not stressed. The treatment for panic disorder most often includes several modalities including both medications and cognitive behavioral therapy.?? One method of treating the disorder called  desensitization takes into account the fight or flight response. In this method, people with panic disorder are gradually exposed to anxiety-causing stimuli while learning to control their anxiety and panic simultaneously.?? Breathing exercises and other stress reducers can be helpful to help calm the body after the initial fight or flight reaction has occurred. Since many people, even those without panic disorder, cope with a level of stress that could be detrimental rather than helpful to the body (unlike eustress), taking a moment to check out ?stress management techniques may be just what the doctor ordered. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs

Friday, May 22, 2020

The True Benefits Of Walking - 1308 Words

Taylor McClung Ms. Veiga English 101 7 October 2015 The True Benefits of Walking Americans have developed the most sedentary lifestyle of any other industrialize d nation which has led to the rise in health concerns like obesity and Alzheimer’s, but walking is a very good solution to this problem and needs to be re-implemented into our society. The negative effects of mental diseases like Alzheimer’s can be helped by increasing the amount of walking that is being done by Americans, which when combined with a proper diet will lessen these greatly. Obesity has a become one of the biggest health issues in America due to our lifestyle and how our cities have been developed to increase the use of cars. Both of these major health issues can be solved by increasing the amount of walking that is being done by Americans. Which could be a hard issue to fix due to how are cities have been developed after the rise of cars which have allowed cities to spread out and make walking to do simple tasks much more difficult in our busy liv es. In the U.S. walking has decreased at a higher rate than in any other country which has led to a more sedentary lifestyle. Americans average only 5,117 steps which is only just above half of the recommended steps of 10,000. Australians are able to average 9,695 and the Japanese average 7,168. Children in the U.S will walk around only about 11,000 to 13,000 steps while children in Great Britain will walk 12,000 to 16,000 steps a day (Vanderbilt Para. 9).Show MoreRelatedBenefits to Lifetime Sports1545 Words   |  7 PagesBenefits of Lifetime Sports Have you ever thought about getting out and exercising but not actually been motivated enough to actually do that same thing? There are much greater benefits to participating in activities and exercise than in sitting on your bum. 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You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.† –Unknown. There are a lot of things that dogs do for us as people and that is why dogs are usually referred to as mans best friend. A dog is a great pet to have because it is good for your health, they can make good guards, and they provide you with the emotional stimulusRead More10 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Life762 Words   |  4 Pagesget a healthy amount of sleep, it will benefit your heart, weight, etc. Thus, providing you the a key part of a healthy lifestyle. 3. Morning Walk:- Early to bed and early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise. More than just a saying, if followed will surely help you get some fresh oxygen for the body. As with any endurance activity, walking increases sweating that helps to flush out foreign substances together with perspiration. Bare foot walking on grass weeds helps increase the effectiveness

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Essay about Beowulf Attacks Grendels Mother - 1011 Words

Beowulf Attacks Grendels Mother (A Short Description of the Passage) Beowulf sees Grendels mother in a cave. He tries to hit her with his sword, Unferths Hrunting, but it fails to pierce her skin. So he throws the sword away and attacks the mother with his bare hands. He trusts in his strength, his mighty hand-grip. Beowulf manages to throw Grendels mother down; however, she quickly retaliates and is soon sitting on top of him. She tries to kill him with a dagger, but Beowulfs armor protects him this time. Beowulf managed to throw her off of himself and sees a sword of enormous size, which he immediately grabs. This sword has a beautiful ornamented handle and a blade that is hinting that this is not an average sword. It†¦show more content†¦Kennings and Other Elements (Definitions, Identifications, and Explanations of Terms in the Passage) 1. CHARACTERS Grendels Mother - She is a woman with character. She is a beast with claws who fights pretty well. She is vicious and ill-tempered. All she wants is to avenge the death of her son killed by Beowulf. Sometimes she is called a Troll-wife. She dwells at the bottom of a mere in a cave. Beowulf - He is strong; he is able to lift that which only four men can lift together - Grendels head). Besides the head, he is able to lift the sword made by and for giants and fight with it. He is resolute, does not lose his coolness even though he is weaponless. He is pious, assigns all his victories to Gods help. He is son of Ecgtheow, nephew of Hygelac, and later king of the Geats. 2. KENNINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------- KENNING MEANING ----------------------------------------------------------------- Light-of-battle Sword Fighting-gear, battle-gear Body armor Battle-sweat Blood Life would have ended [...] Would have died under wide earth Handle Hilt Lake, pond, swamp Mere ----------------------------------------------------------------- PAGAN AND CHRISTIAN ELEMENTS AND IMPORTANTShow MoreRelatedBeowulf, Grendel s Mother, And A Dragon878 Words   |  4 Pagesstory Beowulf fights three monsters; Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and a dragon. Beowulf fights the creatures for reasons that are different, but share common ground. Beowulf leaves his homeland and travels to Herot because he heard of the nightly attacks the Danes were suffering at the hands of Grendel. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

English Novel Free Essays

FOR OFFICE USE |Date received | | |Interview | | |A: |W. L: |R: | Please return this application form and a recent photograph to the centre of your choice: CELTA Applications, New Delhi English Language Teaching Centre British Council Division 17 Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi 110001 CELTA Applications, Mumbai British Council 901, 9th Floor One India bulls Centre Mumbai 400 013 CELTA Applications, Chennai. British Council Division, British Deputy High Commission 737 Anna Salai Chennai 600 002 Or email it as an attachment with a scanned photograph to: ? New Delhi applications to ritu. We will write a custom essay sample on English Novel or any similar topic only for you Order Now verma@in. britishcouncil. org ? Mumbai applications to pradeep. nambiar@in. britishcouncil. org ? Chennai applications to Natasha. Rosair@in. britishcouncil. org The deadline for applications is one month before your course date. Full name: Isha Prabhakar |Nationality: Indian | |Address: C – 102 Inder Puri | | |New Delhi -110012 | | | | | | | | |Telephone number(s): +91 – 9953750133, 01145638400 | | |e-mail: prabhakar_isha@ive. com |Date of birth: 27 – 11 – 1989 | |Which centre would you like to do the CELTA in? Please indicate your preference | |(Please note that if not enough candidates are selected for a date in one centre, they will be given the option to do the next course at the other | |centre, providing places are available) | |New Delhi Centre | |Present occupation: Studying |First language: Hindi | | | | |Other languages spoken: (Please list and evaluate your level using beginner/Pre-Intermediate/ Intermediate/Advanced) | |English (Pre-intermediate) | | | |Professional qualifications: (please include dates institutions in reverse order – attach a separate sheet if necessary) | | | |1. | | | | | | | | |2. N/A | | | | | | | | | |3. | | | | | | |English language teaching experience: (if applicable) | | | | | | | | | |N/A | | | | |Other work experience: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |References: (Please include a professional and a personal reference). Give the name, contact details, and their relationship to you. | |Reference 1 |Reference 2 | | | | | | | |Mrs. Madhuri Chabbra |Mrs. Sunita Bahadur | |+91 – 9811645203 |+91 – 9818217510 | | | | | | | |Health: | |Are you in good health? YES | |Do you have any conditions that we should be aware of? If so, please state what they are. | |NO. | Where or how did you learn about the CELTA? ? I got to know about CELTA from a friend. Where or how did you find out that the British Council was running the course? ? From the British council website I found that, the respective institute was running this course. Written Tasks 1. Please describe one good learning experience and one bad learning experience that you have had (not necessarily related to language learning). Please write approx. 150 words and use full sentences and paragraphs. A good learning experience was in the eleventh standard with the economics subject. Initially I could never build up interest in this subject and couldn’t score well, leading to lack of confidence. In the twelfth standard with the change of the subject teacher, the situation reversed I could build up interest in this subject. All because of the way she provided extra support in form of extra sessions and gave in more than 100%. Thanks to the turn of events I informally teach this subject to others now. My one bad learning experience was while learning to swim. The lessons were at the shallow end of the pool and always under supervision. With time and growing confidence, I attempted swimming the entire length of the pool without supervision. I always had a fear of the deep waters and that day the manifestation turned true. I got breathless mid-way my goggles slipped above my forehead. Due to the panic blurred vision, I kept bobbing in the water for quite a while before the coach intervened. 2. Please explain why you would like to do the CELTA course? Do not write more than 150 words and please use full sentences and paragraphs. The foremost reason to apply for the CELTA course is to begin acquiring in-depth knowledge of the oral and written English language. As Said, it would be a beginning, a foundation stone which will be strengthened further by pursuing a Master’s degree course in the language. The prerogative to do it is to help spread the language to individuals who aspire to use it as a stepping stone into their respective fields of interest. There has been a great motivation behind this, who is my Mother. She has been a teacher since almost 25 years and the difference she has made in the lives of her pupils, has been a great inspiration. I intend to emulate a fraction of that feat, but on a different set of learners. The fact that there is a lot of knowledge that remains to be acquired to sharpen my skills, I chose to apply for the CELTA certification. How to cite English Novel, Essay examples English novel Free Essays Scottish novelist, short story writer, and Journalist whose real name was Hector Hugh Munro. Saki wrote humorous essays and stories that are frequently described as flippant (lacking proper respect or seriousness), witty, ironic, and cynical. The Open Window â€Å"My aunt will be down presently, Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on English novel or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nuttel,† said a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen; â€Å"in the meantime you must try and put up with me. † Framton Nuttel endeavored to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece of the oment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come. Privately he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing. â€Å"l know how it will be,† his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat; â€Å"you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul, and your nerves will be worse than ever from moping. I shall Just give you letters of introduction to all the people I know there. Some of them, as far as I can remember, were quite nice. † Framton wondered whether Mrs. Sappleton, the lady to whom he was presenting one of the letters of introduction, came into the nice division. â€Å"Do you know many of the people round here? † asked the niece, when she Judged that they had had sufficient silent communion. â€Å"Hardly a soul,† said Framton. â€Å"My sister was staying here, at the rectory, you know, some four years ago, and she gave me letters of introduction to some of the people here. † He made the last statement in a tone of distinct regret. Then you know practically nothing about my aunt? † pursued the self-possessed young lady. Only her name and address,† admitted the caller. He was wondering whether Mrs. Sappleton was in the married or widowed state. An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation. â€Å"‘Her great tragedy happened Just three years ago,† said the child; â€Å"that would be since your â€Å"Her tragedy? † asked Framton; somehow in this restfu l country spot sister’s time. † tragedies seemed out of place. â€Å" You may wonder why we keep that window wide pen on an October afternoon,† said the niece, indicating a large French window that opened on toa lawn. It is quite warm for the time of the year,† said Framton; â€Å"Has that Window got anything to do with the tragedy? † â€Å"Out through that window, three years ago to a day, her husband and her two young brothers went off for their day’s shooting. They never came back. In crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting ground they were all three engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog. It had been that dreadful wet summer, you know, and places that were safe in other years gave way uddenly without warning. Their bodies were never recovered. That was the dreadful part of it. † Here the child’s voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human. â€Å"Poor aunt always thinks that they will come back some day, they and the used to do. That is why the window is kept open every evening till it is quite dusk. Poor dear aunt, she has often told me how they went out, her husband with his white water-proof coat over his arm, and Ronnie, her youngest brother, singing, ‘Bertie, why do you bound? ‘ as he always did to tease her, because she said it got on her nerves. Do you know, sometimes on still, quiet evenings like this, I almost get a creepy feeling that they will all walk in through that window†Ã¢â‚¬  She broke off with a little shudder. It was a relief to Framton when the aunt bustled into the room with a whirl of apologies for being late in making her appearance. â€Å"l hope Vera has been amusing you? † she said. â€Å"She has been very interesting,† said Framton. â€Å"l hope you don’t mind the open window,† said Mrs. Sappleton briskly; â€Å"my husband and brothers will be home directly from shooting, and they always come in this way. They’ve been out for snipe in the marshes today, so they’ll make a fine mess over my poor carpets. So like you menfolk, isn’t it? † She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds, and the prospects for duck in the winter. To Framton it was all purely horrible. He made a desperate but only partially successful effort to turn the talk on to a less ghastly topic; he was conscious that his hostess was giving him only a fragment of her attention, and her eyes were constantly straying past him to the open window and the lawn beyond. It was certainly an unfortunate oincidence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic anniversary. â€Å"The doctors agree in ordering me complete rest, an absence of mental excitement, and avoidance of anything in the nature of violent physical exercise,† announced Framton, who labored under the tolerably widespread delusion that total strangers and chance acquaintances are hungry for the least detail of one’s ailments and infirmities, their cause and cure. â€Å"On the matter of diet they are not so much in agreement,† he continued. â€Å"No? † said Mrs. Sappleton, in a voice which only replaced a yawn at the ast moment. Then she suddenly brightened into alert attention†but not to what â€Å"Here they are at last! † she cried. â€Å"Just in time for tea, and Framton was saying. don’t they look as if they were muddy up to the eyes! † Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension. The child was staring out through the open window with dazed horror in her eyes. In a chill shock of nameless fear Framton swung round in his seat and looked in the same direction. In the deepening twilight three figures were alking across the lawn towards the window; they all carried guns under their arms, and one of them was additionally burdened with a white coat hung over his shoulders. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels. Noiselessly they neared the house, and then a hoarse young voice chanted out of the dusk: â€Å"l said, Bertie, why do you bound? † Framton grabbed wildly at his stick and hat; the hall-door, the gravel-drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in his headlong retreat. A cyclist coming along the road had to run into the hedge to avoid imminent collision. How to cite English novel, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Is it possible to identify who is to blame for the debt crisis Essay Example

Is it possible to identify who is to blame for the debt crisis Essay The debt crisis, a term used for discussing the situation of third world debt, is an extremely complex issue, with multiple factors affecting the constantly fluctuating and increasing problem that many of the least developed countries (LDCs) are still facing today. One of the key aspects of the debt crisis is not necessarily the loans themselves all countries have some deficit, but rather the sustainability of the debt; that is whether or not a country can afford to repay the loans it has taken out (if a debt is over 40% of a countries GDP it qualifies as nsustainable). Questions that comes to mind when looking at the debt crisis today, and indeed the crisis that has been developing since the 1960s, is how can creditors be happy to lend money to developing countries whose situation indicates a high improbability of being able to repay the loans without immense damage to their economy for which the loans are meant to be beneficial? Are these decisions calculated? And why are the loans harming not helping? It is the nature of a capitalist, consumerist economy for loans to be encouraged whether on a huge scale uch as those faced by LDCs in the debt crisis, or small scale loans such as credit cards and mortgages. (I feel that it should be noted that loans between countries is not a new concept and has a history of over 175 years (Sachs, 1989:4) around the same time as capitalism took stronghold across the world). We will write a custom essay sample on Is it possible to identify who is to blame for the debt crisis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Is it possible to identify who is to blame for the debt crisis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Is it possible to identify who is to blame for the debt crisis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Although theoretically these debts are supposed to be an investment which will be beneficial in the long term, it has become the case in many countries that loans can in fact prohibit the scale of progress that can be made due to the many restrictions of repaying the ebts (which are often crippling amounts), meaning LDCs find it very hard to catch up to more developed countries no matter the amount they loan. Within the modern culture of international super powers and a macroeconomic climate that feeds off the economic situation of all the countries involved in trade, it is difficult to assign blame to a single element or financial body, as is often the case when trying to pinpoint responsibility for crisis. Indeed as many of the readings emphasise (Sachs, Whaites, Jain) it is the creditors blame the debtors for having bad economic olicies, whilst the debtors blame the creditors on the unfair advantage the bankers hold. However, this is a very oversimplified view of assigning blame, and in this essay will explore the variety of explanations of how such a debt crisis emerged and who, if anyone, can be thought of as responsible. To understand more fully the origins of the debt crisis it is essential that we understand the economic situation at the time of the first loans, in other words why did certain countries need to borrow huge amounts of money which would come to cripple their hopes for successful development. Many of the first loans to LDCs were made in the 1960s following the economic robbery (Whaites, 1991) that was colonialism. Following their independence after years of exploitative and self-interested policies implemented by colonial powers (which included the countries that would become the creditors), many of todays LDCs were granted freedom without the consideration of how they would proceed to successfully develop after so many of their resources had been taken without re investment from colonial power; the tools needed for significant development had been taken and used before these countries had reedom and the opportunity to set up an infrastructure capable of achieving economic and social progress, for example countries such as Zambia were unable to tackle problems such as health and education amongst others, many of which are still prominent problems today (see list of MDGs on UN website). However, in the wake of finally being given freedom many countries facing these troubles decided borrowed huge amounts to fund highly ambitious goals, and also to get over the holes within the economy (World Ban k website) such as the need to import goods such as petroleum and iron due to lack of industrialisation. This, in turn led to a high dependency on basic commodity exports (Whaites 1991), which would have been ok so long as the economy continued to be prosperous and there remained buyers for the exports. These factors led to the point at which a number of countries faced critical situations (Easterly, 2002:2) in regards to their debt service payments. However a serious crisis did not emerge until the 1970s, when the price of oil had an untold effect on the next 40 years of debt. In the early 70s and again later in the decade oil prices rose dramatically, leading to mass amounts of oney being loaned to many LCDs with oil reserves, who obviously thought economic successes would be made rapidly. However the economic situation took a turn for the worse and soon inflation and interest rates rose and those creditors who had raced (Eichengreen Lindert 1992:1) to lend money for potential petro dollars (Whaites 1991), left many countries not only with a much higher debt and much higher interest rates, but also a world market facing a recession, meaning economies that relied on highly on trade would find fewer buyers and lower prices for their exports. Countries that had invested all their hopes and borrowed inance in the oil trade now faced debts that were completely unsustainable and those without reserves faced economic growth that was too slow to repay the money that had been borrowed. This situation has been viewed in two different ways, the creditors see such rash investments as a bad choice of economic policy, placing the blame on the debtors for their economic situation, whereas the debtors point the finger at the banks that were so keen to lend copious (Sachs 1989: 2) amounts of money out even after prices for oil had dropped for they were preoccupied with the large returns they were etting from previous loans, one leading bank was looking at 72% of the overall earnings coming from international operations in 1976 (Sachs 1989:8), meaning lenders were blind sighted to the fact that it was dim that the debt incurred in the 1970s ver paid back in full (Eichengreen Lindert 1992:3). The events in the 1970s set the precedent for the next 20+ years, in which problems were faced largely by a variety of cause and effect situations, meaning blame could be circulated over and over, there is no clear cause. However some countries such as Indonesia and South Korea success fully managed to gain some economic prosperity hrough loans, raising the question of whether they made wise investments opposed to the so called bad economic policies of some indebted countries, or whether their investments were lucky and caught the economy at the right time, highlighting again the difficulty of assigning blame. Whilst OECD states recovered from the recession reasonably easily, the heavily indebted countries fell further and further behind. In the case of Latin America the financial situation reached such a severe problem that Mexico defaulted on their loan, having a massive knock on effect on the willingness of creditors to lend. Leaving struggling ountries with no money to invest, no substantial demand for the export products they relied on so heavily and a disadvantage in the trade market, due to OECD states adopting protectionist policies, driving a wedge between market and shadow prices (Sachs 1989:13) and resulting in LDCs having little or no money for investment and development of welfare as it was being used for consumerism. Creditors had lost faith temporarily in lending out money (although lending was restored within a few short years) feeling debtors had dug themselves in a hole they could not get out of, with no escape from the service debt they were struggling to afford. Perhaps it is possible that ill thought out, unrealistic economic policies were applied in this period that did nothing but further widen the gap LDCs were desperately trying to close, various bad investments were made, which resulted in little economic benefits from the large loans undertaken. I feel it is debatable whether or not the banks had been ignorant to the massive risk they were taking through lending money (perhaps they even felt they had to do so as to give countries a chance? or whether the risk was always expected to end badly meaning the LDCs remained subordinated to rich owerful countries that already existed, the former colonial powers that had given countries freedom only due to the impossibility of retaining their empire successfully, ensuring more cheap labour and opportunities for cheap trade and exploitation of the third world countries who were trapped in their economic situation. Even recent debt relief programs that have been set up have to be questioned, whilst it is too soon to tell what effect the multilateral debt relief initiative will have, as Easterly comments, the last 3 years have seen debt ratios drop and per capita ncome rise in countries that had been deemed at completion point in the HIPC initiative of which the benefits are still as yet unclear. In order to gain help HIPC countries must comply with strict fiscal disciplines (Jubilee USA brief 2008) and allow the IMF to control key policies regarding financial spending supposedly to insure avoidance of any more bad policies being made. However, policies implemented by the IMF have prolonged austerity, reduced public spending and even driven the price of cotton in Mali down to an artificially low price in order to compete with other arkets with a variety of advantages, meaning little profit is being made (Jubilee USA brief 2008), contradictory of this information of the IMF website which claims to be increasing social spending amongst many other successes. However it is evidently resulted in less change to the debt than expected suggesting therefore that whilst blame may be tricky to assign for such huge debts, the solution is even harder to pin point. However whilst both the creditors and the debtors are eager to assign the blame to the other party, it is commonly the case that corruption is to blame for the extreme levels of the debt crisis. Jain (1998) talks extensively about corruption in economics and the power of that to destroy even a prosperous economy whether it be corruption amongst the creditors or debtors. Kremer and Jayachandran (2002) call this type of debt odious debt by which they mean illegitimate debt, which occurs through corrupt leadership taking out debts; never having intended to invest it in the country, but to keep it for themselves. A recent example of a case such as this is Mubarak, who is reported (BBC news 2011) to have up to $70 billion dollars that he has stolen over time from the Egyptian people, an mount twice as much as their countries entire debt which stands at $34. 46 billion. This huge injustice shows that the blame for huge economic crisis can sometimes lie with a corrupt leader good at concealing what he is doing (the HIPC initiative aims to tackle problems such as this) money taken in this way will never see any investment back into the country as it is often hidden where it will yield stable and lucrative (Whaites 1991) returns, in a phenomenon known as flight capital. Although is not always a case of illicit money being taken out of a country, but sometimes ore innocently a consequence of a bad economy, investors want to store their money where they will see the highest return, resulting in a vicious circle of low investment, low growth and continuing capital flight (Whaites 1991), once more highlighting that a solution is as hard to discover as placing blame for the start of the situation. After examining some of the origins of the debt crisis, as well as looking at how the situation has progressed in the last 40 years, it is still hard to see who exactly is to blame for the crisis, and no party is prepared to accept esponsibility as that could have serious repercussions, such as the banks being forced to call off the debts, or the LDCs being denied extensive aid. Whilst Eichengreen Lindert (2002) feel that circumstances such as this have happened in history before due to the nature or the international economy, Easterly (2002) highlights the impact irresponsible lending has had in what is described as violation of prudential standards of creditworthiness i. e. lending money to a source that can quite clearly not pay the money back, at least not without serious sacrifice. For whatever motives, the banks have made serious errors resulting in uncontrollable amounts of debt. However, many miscalculations have been made on the side of the debtors too, including both accepting unrealistic loans and harbouring overambitious goals (though can they be blamed for this? ). One of the key issues surrounding this debate is that the loans were not forced by either party, encouraged unwisely perhaps, or accepted too eagerly, but not forced. Therefore blame cannot be assigned, perhaps even, it is just the uncontrollable nature of our economy that is behind the crisis reaching the level it is at today. In cases where odious debt exists however it is much easier to pin point the driving force behind unsustainable debt unconceivable selfishness, corruption and complete disregard for the country they are supposed to be in charge of. Unfortunately whatever is to account for the situation today, it is clear who it is suffering the most from it, and sadly, those who are hit the hardest by the debt crisis are also the ones with the smallest influence on how it will shape out. Sadly it seems that economic capital is more valuable than human life and development.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Reasons For the Bar Kochba Revolt

Reasons For the Bar Kochba Revolt Killing more than half a million Jews and destroying almost a thousand villages, the Bar Kochba Revolt (132-35) was a major event in Jewish history and a blotch on the reputation of the good emperor Hadrian. The revolt was named for a man called Shimon, on coins, Bar Kosibah, on papyrus, Bar Kozibah, on rabbinic literature, and Bar Kokhba, in Christian writing. Bar Kochba was the messianic leader of the rebel Jewish forces. The rebels may have held land south of Jerusalem and Jericho and north of Hebron and Masada. They may have reached into Samaria, Galilee, Syria, and Arabia. They survived (as long as they did) by means of caves, used for weapons storage and hiding, and tunnels. Letters from Bar Kochba were found in the caves of Wadi Murabbaat around the same time archaeologists and Bedouins were discovering the Dead Sea Scroll caves. [Source:​ The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography, by John J. Collins; Princeton: 2012.] The war was very bloody on both sides, so much so that Hadrian failed to declare a triumph when he returned to Rome at the revolts conclusion. Why Did the Jews Rebel? Why did the Jews rebel when it must have seemed likely the Romans would defeat them, as they had before? Suggested reasons are outrage over Hadrians prohibitions and actions. CircumcisionCircumcision was a vital part of the Jewish identity and it is possible Hadrian made it illegal for Jews to practice this custom, and not just with proselytes. In the Historia Augusta Pseudo-Spartianus says Hadrians prohibition against genital mutilation caused the revolt (Life of Harian 14.2). Genital mutilation could mean either castration or circumcision (or both). [Source: Peter Schafer The Bar Kochba Revolt and Circumcision: Historical Evidence and Modern Apologetics 1999]. This position is challenged. See: Negotiating Difference: Genital Mutilation in Roman Slave Law and the History of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, by Raanan Abusch, in The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome, edited by Peter Schafer; 2003. SacrilegeThe second to third century Greek-writing Roman historian Cassius Dio (Roman History 69.12) said it was Hadrians decision to rename Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina, to establish a Roman colony there, and to build a pagan temple. A complication of this is the possible retraction of a promise by Hadrian to rebuild the Jewish Temple. References: Axelrod, Alan. Little-Known Wars of Great and Latin Impact. Fair Winds Press, 2009. The Archaeology of Roman Palestine, by Mark Alan Chancey and Adam Lowry Porter. Near Eastern Archaeology, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Dec. 2001), pp. 164-203. The bar Kokhba Revolt: The Roman Point of View, by Werner Eck. The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 89 (1999), pp. 76-89 The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography, by John J. Collins; Princeton: 2012. Peter Schafer The Bar Kochba Revolt and Circumcision: Historical Evidence and Modern Apologetics 1999

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Hex Words

Hex Words Hex Words Hex Words By Maeve Maddox Most of the English words that begin with hex are scientific terms used by mathematicians, chemists, and medical practitioners. A few, however, are encountered in general use. As a combining form in English, hex- means six. hexagon In geometry, a hexagon is a plane figure having six sides and six angles. The adjective is hexagonal. The adverb is hexagonally. hexahedron In geometry, a hexahedron is a solid figure having six faces, especially the â€Å"regular hexahedron† or cube. You will encounter the word if you do origami. hexapod The element pod means foot. A hexapod is an animal that has six feet. Insectswhich have three pairs of legsare classed in the subphylum Hexapoda. hexagram In geometry, a hexagram is a figure of six lines. The figure can take more than one form, but the most familiar is that of two intersecting equilateral triangles as seen in the Star of David. Its use as an identifying symbol of Judaism began in the Middle Ages, but its religious usage began much earlier. The symbol, under various names, appears in the imagery of Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism, Rastafarianism, Theosophy, and Freemasonry. Known as â€Å"Solomon’s Seal,† the symbol is used in magic and witchcraft. In the symbolism of heraldry, the hexagram is called â€Å"a mullet of six points.† The Chinese â€Å"Book of Changes† (I-Ching) is based on 64 hexagrams that are not interlocked triangles. They are figures of six parallel (whole or divided) lines. hexadecimal In computing and mathematics, a system of numerical notation that employs 16 rather than 10 as the base is called hexadecimal. Two hex words outside the mathematical realm are: hexarchy A hexarchy is a loose confederation of six states or kingdoms, each governed by its own ruler. hexameter A line of verse made up of six metrical feet is called a hexameter. The hexameter was the standard epic meter in classical Greek and Latin literature. Finally, there’s the witching word hex, which has nothing to do with six. The verb hex, â€Å"to practice witchcraft,† came into American English from Pennsylvania German settlers. German hexen, â€Å"to hex,† is related to the German word Hexe, â€Å"witch.† The English word hag derives from the same source. The earliest English form, haegtesse, was the equivalent of â€Å"woman of prophetic and oracular powers.† Does it surprise anyone that the word eventually dwindled into â€Å"ugly, bad-tempered, malicious old woman†? As a noun, a hex is a magical spell or curse. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives 50 Idioms About Roads and PathsApostrophe with Plural Possessive Nouns

Monday, February 17, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 37

Assignment Example Engineering controls also address toxicological contaminants at the workplace environment through measures such as isolation, design or change processes, local suppression, and ventilation. Isolation advocates for the segregation of hazardous processes and equipment into separate rooms or areas to reduce contamination of the entire workplace. Design or change of processes requires simple considerations or modifications that can significantly improve the conditions of the product, such as packaging or grouping. Local suppression include strategies such as wetting or palletizing of dusty materials, as well as blanketing of toxic liquids, such as using damp mopping in contaminated or dusty areas. Ventilation is very instrumental in controlling airborne hazards, which occur in the form of vapours, fumes, gases, mists, dusts, and fibres (Dever, 2006). Work practices and hygiene practices work as supplementary strategies to engineering controls. As such, they represent on job activities geared at reducing the potential exposure to the toxic substances, such as preventive maintenance of equipment, posting warning signs, as well as labeling hazardous materials. Personal protective devices includes strategies such as wearing protective glasses or goggles, face shields, skin creams, protective clothing such as laboratory coats and gloves, and respirators. This strategy works best on condition that the choice made is the proper type, and there being the provision of an adequate maintenance program for the equipment. A fifth strategy entails undertaking safe practices and emergency provisions. According to Fine & Fos (2012), this includes steps such as leak and chemical spill procedures, which require sweeping solid contaminants into a container, or neutralizing contaminant liquids. It also provides the necessary steps to undertake in waste disposals, as well as the requirements

Monday, February 3, 2020

What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated - Essay Example According to the report  education happens to be the key of professionalism in the modern society. The modern society is very dependent on education because it depends on ideologies and well organized strategies for its growth and development. This explains why people in the modern society do effort to make sure they are well educated. To be well educated is a very critical topic, the fact is that individuals are only well educated in a certain field but not in all fields. This is where professionalism and division of labor comes in; division of labor is a situation where individuals get involved in doing what they can do at their best. It is not funny to meet individuals who have specialized in medicine and cannot discuss a concept from the field of literature or individuals from the field of literature who cannot solve a simple mathematics problem. From this study it is clear that  the truth is that different education systems in the world have created monsters. This is a situation where individuals fail to perform in their field of specialization in education. There are several myths which have been developed in the field of education and they have been destructive. One myth is where education is seen as the purpose of giving someone the means of upward mobility and success. This is very wrong because it makes people even to cheat in exams because promotion in job is based on class results ending up producing literally unfit individuals who are only interested in high pay and promotion in job.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Causes of World War One

Causes of World War One World War I (1914 to 1918) was one of the most terrifying wars in history. This war was a total war; a war where every single country that was involved produced almost no consumer goods and used up all of their resources for the war effort. During those five years, countless amounts of soldiers lost their motivation and started to question what they are fighting for. It ended with an estimated 30 million casualties and a temporary peace treaty that lasted for on longer than twenty-one years. This war that put the central and allied powers into conflict began with the rising nationalism, endless competition for military strength, and the desire of conquering land. The tipping point that brought all of these forces into war was their system of alliances, which divided most of Europe into two sides. Nationalism, the belief that your country is superior to others countries, slowly spread and took over entire Europe. Of course, nationalism did not rise by itself. Before and even during World War I, propaganda took place; nationalism was found in newspaper, board-sheets, music, literature, and theatre (Llewellyn). This increased European countries’ pride, countries begun to feel overly proud of themselves, and some of the greater power started to feel unstoppable (Brown). Since all countries shared the same belief that their own country was always right and could win any war or conflict within months, the desire of war rose quickly while the European countries’ felt eager to prove their power (Llewellyn). The desire of proving one’s power was not the only idea that rose before World War I. Colonies and countries that were ruled under another nation’s government started to want self-governing and independent, which later on lead to rebellions. Archduke Fr anz Ferdinand, a highly ranked Austria government official, was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip; a member of a Serbian nationalist group called â€Å"Black hand† on June 28, 1914 (Brown). This was the fire that eventually lit up to World War I, which was somehow related to all European countries’ belief that all of them were intensely proud of – Nationalism. Militarism increased the military forces countries hold and competition of building their army and navy between countries. Arms race a process when countries compete about the amount of army and navy they’ve got and built up more was extremely serious between 1900 to 1914 (Poon). As Germany built a large military to protect itself from its long time enemy, France, France responded with an even larger military to keep itself safe and out of threat of the German (Brown). This process went on and on because as one of the countries’ military forces is greater than another’s, the one with less protection felt insecure and built an even greater military (Brown). Militarism not only caused European countries to build up strong forces to defend each other but also led to endless competition between counties in military buildups (Kelly). Germany, a country that increased its military buildup rapidly, threatened Britain’s position in naval forces. After Britain bu ilt its first Dreadnought (battle ship with 12-inch guns) the race begun, in 1909 to 1911, Germany built nine Dreadnoughts while Britain built 18 (Poon). Other then protection and competitions, militarism gave one the belief that war was coming and problems could be solved by wars (Poon). Thus of the strong and massive military force each country had, the entire Europe was ready for a war in 1914 (Poon). After the belief that one’s superior to others and military forces were all build up, imperialism occurred. Imperialism, the desire of gaining land, was accomplished by conquering more lands that could increase owns power and wealth (Kelly). Countries in Europe urged for Africa and parts of Asia because those were the places where provided valuable and massive amounts of rough materials (Kelly). Germany, as a rising power, wanted to conquer a part of Africa although France and Britain already established it (Brown). This action angered both France and Britain and as they worked together to keep Germany out of Africa, they became even closer allies (Brown). As imperialism went on, more and more conflicts appeared and caused the relationship between forces to worsen. Not only that, the confrontations of competing empire sizes pushed the countries in Europe a step near war (Kelly). The system of alliance was the force that held the countries in Europe together and caused this total war. Alliance system, built by Bismarck, was not built for military purpose at first, but since alliances were always made in secret and it increased the war tension, it became a serious problem (Poon). Before World War I, Europe was separated in to two major alliances the Triple Alliances and the Triple Entente (Brown). Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were included in the Triple Alliance and France, Britain, and Russia in the Triple Entente. These two alliances were made to defend each other, but at the beginning of World War I, Italy became neutral and then joined the Entente (Brown). Although alliances were built to make countries safer, it ended up doing the opposite then they had expect (Wheeler). All countries in Europe were connected by alliance, so when a single conflict occurred, it caused war that involved entire Europe (Wheeler). The assassination of Archduke Franz Fe rdinand did the job in which Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia and Serbia was promised to be protected by Russia (Brown). This is when alliance officially took place, held the central power against the allied power, and let to World War I. World War I ended with not much gain but great losses. Germany, used as a scapegoat of World War I, had to pay large amount of reparations. This made their economic system collapsed because they printed too much money. Also there was not enough food because all productions were made for military purpose during war. People faced a hard time and suffered starvation even after World War I ended. Italy, the county that joined the allied power during the war, did not get the land that it was promised. The United States, a country out of Europe, fought a war for foreign countries that gave it no benefit. After this war ended, the treaty of Versailles was signed. Countries insisted and wanted peace because every single of them felt exhausted, so, the League of Nations was built. Although the formation of League of Nations was a great step towards peace, the most important country, the United States, refused to join, so this peace did not last long. Soon, the â€Å"peace treaty† that ended World War I, will cause another horrifying war that will be forever remembered and remarked with this one. Work Cited Brown, Brandom. â€Å"Causes of WW1 (The Great War).† Connexions. Brandom Brown. 23 Apr. 2009. Web. 22 Sept. 2013 Kelly, Martin. â€Å"Top 5 Causes of World War 1.† About.com. Martin Kelly, n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2013. Llewellyn, Southey, Steve Thompson. â€Å"Nationalism as a cause of World War 1.† AlphaHistory. Jennifer Llewellyn, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. Poon, H.W. â€Å"Alliances system / System of Alliances.† Thecorner. TheCorner.org,1979. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. Poon, H.W.â€Å"Militarism.† Thecorner. TheCorner.org,1979. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. Poon, H.W.â€Å"National Rivalries.† Thecorner. TheCorner.org,1979 Web. 29 Sept. 2013. Wheeler, Heather.â€Å"World War One Cause.† Historyonthenet. Heather Wheeler, 25 Feb. 2013. Web. 22 Sept. 2013.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization for Long Run

CHAPTER 22 Managing a Holistic Marketing organization for Long Run Trends in Marketing Practices Reengineering: Appointing teams to manage customer-value-building processes and break down walls between departments. Outsourcing: Greater willingness to buy more goods and services from outside domestic or foreign vendors. Benchmarking: Studying â€Å"best practice companies† to improve performance. Supplier partnering: Increased partnering with fewer but better value-adding suppliers. Customer partnering: Working more closely with customers to add value to their operations.Merging: Acquiring or merging with firms in the same or complementary industries to gain economies of scale and scope. Globalizing: Increased effort to â€Å"think global† and â€Å"act local. † Flattening: Reducing the number of organizational levels to get closer to the customer. Focusing: Determining the most profitable businesses and customers and focusing on them. Accelerating: Designing the organization and setting up processes to respond more quickly to changes in the environment. Empowering: Encouraging and empowering personnel to produce more ideas and take more initiative. Internal MarketingOrganizing the Marketing Department Functional Organization Geographic Organization Product or Brand management organization Some of the tasks that product or brand managers may perform include: ? Developing a long-range and competitive strategy for the product. ? Preparing an annual marketing plan and sales forecast. ? Working with advertising and merchandising agencies to develop copy, programs, and campaigns. ? Increasing support of the product among the sales force and distributors. ? Gathering continuous intelligence on the product's performance, customer and dealer attitudes, and new problems and opportunities. Initiating product improvements to meet changing market needs. This organization has some disadvantages too: ? Product managers and specifically brand managers are not given enough authority to carry out their responsibilities. They have to rely on persuasion to get the cooperation of other departments. ? Product and brand managers become experts in their product area but rarely achieve functional expertise. They vacillate between acting as experts and having to defer to real experts. ? The product management system often turns out to be costly.One person is appointed to manage each major product or brand and soon managers are appointed to manage even minor products and brands. ? Brand managers normally manage a brand for only a short time. Short-term involvement leads to short-term planning and plays havoc with building long-term strengths. ? The fragmentation of markets makes it harder to develop a national strategy from headquarters. ? Brand managers must increasingly please regional and local sales groups, resulting in a transfer of power from marketing to sales. Product and brand managers cause the company to focus on building market shar e rather than building the customer relationship. Yet the customer relationship, not the brand, may be the primary lever for value creation. MARKET-MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION ? When customers fall into different user groups with distinct buying preferences and practices, a market-management organization is desirable. ? A market manager supervises several market managers (also called market-development managers, market specialists, or industry specialists). ? The market managers draw on functional services as needed.MATRIX-MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION ? A matrix organization would seem desirable in a multiproduct, multimarket company. ? This system is costly and often creates conflicts. ? There is the cost of supporting all the managers. ? There are also questions about where authority and responsibility should reside. Relation with other departments Building a Creative Marketing Organization ? Developing a company-wide passion for customers. ? Organizing around customer segments instead of around products. ? Developing a deep understanding of customers through qualitative and quantitative research.Socially Responsible Marketing Corporate Social Responsibility Legal behavior ? Society must use the law to define, as clearly as possible, those practices that are illegal, antisocial, or anticompetitive. ? Organizations must ensure that every employee knows and observes any relevant laws. ? For example, sales managers can check that sales representatives know and observe the law, such as the fact that it is illegal for salespeople to lie to consumers or mislead them about the advantages of buying a product. Ethical behaviorCompanies must adopt and disseminate a written code of ethics, build a company tradition of ethical behavior, and hold its people fully responsible for observing ethical and legal guidelines. Social Responsibility Behavior Sustainability The importance of meeting humanity’s needs without harming future generations. Socially Responsible Business Mo dels ? The future holds a wealth of opportunities for companies. ? Technological advances in solar energy, online networks, cable and satellite television, biotechnology, and telecommunications promise to change the world as we know it. At the same time, forces in the socioeconomic, cultural, and natural environments will impose new limits on marketing and business practices. ? Companies that are able to innovate new solutions and values in a socially responsible way are the most likely to succeed. Cause-Related Marketing ? Cause-related marketing is marketing that links the firm's contributions to a designated cause to customers' engaging directly or indirectly in revenue producing transactions with the firm. ? Cause marketing has also been called a part of corporate societal marketing (CSM) which Drumwright and Murphy define as marketing efforts â€Å"that have at least one on-economic objective related to social welfare and use the resources of the company and/or of its partners . † ? They also include other activities such as traditional and strategic philanthropy and volunteerism as part of CSM. CAUSE MARKETING BENEFITS AND COSTS A successful cause marketing program can produce a number of benefits: ? Improving social welfare ? Creating differentiated brand positioning ? Building strong consumer bonds ? Enhancing the company's public image with government officials and other decision makers; ? Creating a reservoir of goodwill Boosting internal morale and galvanizing employees; and driving sales Choosing a cause Many companies choose to focus on one or a few main causes to simplify execution and maximize impact. One of the more focused cause marketers is McDonald's. Ronald McDonald Houses in more than 20 countries offer more than 5,000 rooms each night to families needing support while their child is in the hospital. Ronald McDonald House program has provided a â€Å"home away from home† for nearly 4 million family members since its beginning in 1974. Social MarketingCognitive campaigns ? Explain the nutritional value of different foods ? Explain the importance of conservation. Action campaigns ? Attract people for mass immunization. ? Motivate people to vote â€Å"yes† on a certain issue. ? Motivate people to donate blood. ? Motivate women to take a pap test. Behavioral campaigns ? Demotivate cigarette smoking. ? Demotivate hard-drug usage. ? Demotivate excessive consumption of alcohol. Value campaigns ? Alter ideas about abortion. ? Change attitudes of bigoted people. Evaluation and Control Annual plan control Sales AnalysisMarket Share Analysis Needs to track its market share in one of three ways Overall market share/Served market share/Relative market share A useful way to analyze market share movements is in terms of four components: Overall market share=Customer penetration (% of all the customers who buy from the company)XCustomer loyalty X Customer selectivity (average customer purchase from the company co mpared to average company)X Price selectivity(Average price of the company with others) Marketing expense to sales analysis Financial analysis Profitability ControlMarketing Profitability Analysis Step: 1: Identifying functional expense Step: 2: Assessing functional expenses to marketing entities Step: 3: Preparing a profit and loss statement for each marketing entity Determining corrective actions Direct versus full costing Efficiency control Strategic control The Marketing audit Comprehensive The marketing audit covers all the major marketing activities of a business, not just a few trouble spots. It would be called a functional audit if it covered only the sales force, pricing, or some other marketing activity.Systematic The marketing audit is an orderly examination of the organization's macro-and micromarketing environments, marketing objectives and strategies, marketing systems, and specific activities. The audit indicates the most-needed improvements, which are then incorporat ed into a corrective action plan involving both short-run and long-run steps to improve overall effectiveness. Independent A marketing audit can be conducted in six ways: self-audit, audit from across, audit from above, company auditing office, company task force audit, and outsider audit.Self-audits, in which managers use a checklist to rate their own operations, lack objectivity and independence Periodic Typically, marketing audits are initiated only after sales have turned down, sales force morale has fallen, and other problems have occurred. Companies are thrown into a crisis partly because they failed to review their marketing operations during good times. A periodic marketing audit can benefit companies in good health as well as those in trouble. THE MARKETING EXCELLENCE REVIEWCompanies can use another instrument to rate their performance in relation to the best practices of high-performing businesses. The Future of Marketing In these ways, modern marketing will continue to ev olve and confront new challenges and opportunities. As a result, the coming years will see: ? The demise of the marketing department and the rise of holistic marketing. ? The demise of free-spending marketing and the rise of ROI marketing. ? The demise of marketing intuition and the rise of marketing science, ? The demise of manual marketing and the rise of automated marketing. The demise of mass marketing and the rise of precision marketing. Proficiency will be demanded in areas such as: ? Customer relationship management (CRM). ? Partner relationship management (PRM). ? Database marketing and data-mining. ? Contact center management and telemarketing. ? Public relations marketing (including event and sponsorship marketing), ? Brand-building and brand-asset management. ? Experiential marketing ? Integrated marketing communications ? Profitability analysis by segment, customer, channel.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Definition And Broader Applicability Of The Function Of...

Within our American legal system, the notion of how, to what extent, and why an offender should be punished following his or her transgression are the primary tenets of sentencing policies and the ultimate goal of achieving justice and preventing the spread of crime. Contention exists around the particular definition and broader applicability of the function of punishment, (Sayre-McCord 2001; Wringe 2012; Montague 2002; Hanna 2012; Kelly 2009; Stafford Warr 1993), yet overall, there is agreement that punishment serves to fulfill four primary motivations – specific and general deterrence, incapacitation of the offender, retribution, and restoration and rehabilitation of both the offender and the victim of a crime. Deterrence refers to†¦show more content†¦As such, here the perpetrator’s moral offense is of primary concern (in contrast with more complex concerns about the victim’s status following a crime, or the message an offense may send to society at-large), and the imposed punishment must be â€Å"morally proportional† to the offense, motivating such phrases as â€Å"just deserts†, â€Å"an eye for an eye†, or punishment simply for punishment’s sake (Okimoto, Weather, Feather, 2011; Gerber Jackson 2013). In contrast, restorative justice is a more holistic framework which focuses on repairing the harm an offender’s criminal behavior inflicts upon him or herself, the victim, and society at large. This can be accomplished through mechanisms such as increasing dialogue and cooperation between the victim and offender (i.e. conflict resolution or victim-offender mediations sessions), rehabilitating the offender to develop remorse and genuinely understand the gravity and repercussions of their criminal actions on the victim and the overall community, and working to slowly reintegrate both the offender and victim back into society (Okimoto, Weather, Feather 2011; Braithwaite 1999). Looking at these two approaches together, in the context of our modern criminal justice system, punishment and sentencing decisions are largely based on retributive motivations. Because of this, many argue that restorative justice canShow MoreRelatedLeadership and Management in the 20th Century2998 Words   |  12 Pageshandle, where as the word lead means to go. Similarly as the two words have different definitions, they also have different purposes. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Hunger Games and the Lottery Comparison Essay - 849 Words

My two books for this comparison essay are â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson, and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. â€Å"The Lottery† is about the towns people drawing out slips of paper and seeing who gets the slip of paper with the black pencil dot; whereas The Hunger Games is about Katniss taking her sisters place when she shes called into the Hunger Games and trying to survive in the arena with Peeta in the Hunger Games. This book ends with Katniss and Peeta winning the Hunger Games and the two of them returning to District 12 with mixed feelings for each other, and an unforgettable experience. There are many similarities between these two books. Both stories have mind blowing experiences. Tessie throwing a fit about her husband†¦show more content†¦As a sacrifice for a good harvest. So you can see they both have some similarities; one of them being, they are both barbaric when it comes to rituals. The settings of these two books are different, beca use The Hunger Games mainly takes place in the arena, and â€Å"The Lottery† takes place in a public town spot. In â€Å"The Lottery†, theres really no romance, but in The Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta are shown to the world as a couple. I think is actually a good tactic when trying to get sponsors and surviving because Peeta does protect Katniss and I believe he really does have feelings for her, as she does for him. Katniss is confused about her feelings for Gale, I think that she probably does care for Gale, but personally I think she cares for Peeta more. Otherwise why would she have risked her life for for him? Like when each district got a pack, and she ended up giving Peeta the sleeping syrup so she could go get the pack so Peeta could survive. There were also many differences between these two books. 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